
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K114: About brands - 精品寵物包爆紅與露點裝 Fendi launches fancy ‘doggy bags’ for devoted pet lovers


每日英語跟讀 Ep.K114: About brands - Fendi launches fancy ‘doggy bags’ for devoted pet lovers


With more and more Taiwanese opting to care for pets rather than children in recent years, high-end brands have come up with new and innovative ways to attract more customers. 


Doggy bags, once referred to as a plastic bag to pack up leftover food from a restaurant, now has a new definition as a luxurious vehicle and rest stop for lovable pets when “traveling” from one place to another. 


Fendi recently released a new line of pet accessories, including bags, collars, jackets, and even matching belts for owners to help both experience the life of luxury. 

根據Fendi官網所述,此系列以棕色和煙草色呈現品牌招牌「FF」 logo,讓你以更時尚的方式攜帶和運輸寵物的各種必需用品。

According to Fendi, the new collection features the brand’s signature FF logo in brown and tobacco-like colors, and includes stylish ways to carry and transport your pet’s essentials. 

從FF logo寵物旅行手提包、防潑水尼龍外套,到帶有FF主題圖紋金屬名牌的皮帶和項圈等,這一系列的產品對毛小孩外出所需應有盡有。 

From pet–travel totes, water-resistant nylon jackets, and a leather belt and collar with a metal FF motif tag, the new line is sure to attract devoted pet owners. 


Now, when your pet gets tired, you can combine both style and function wherever you go.

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博柏利春季推出「露點裝」 網讚:真男人就要這樣穿!| Burberry’s 2021 spring collection featuring ‘nipple windows’ becomes big hit online


With the arrival of spring, fashion brands all across the world are launching their new collections for the first season of 2021. 

然而,2021春季最吸睛的肯定是博柏利藝術總監Riccardo Tisci的最新男裝T恤,這件胸口挖有兩個大洞的服裝剛好露出男模胸前兩點,引發網友熱議。 

However, none attracted more attention than Burberry’s latest 2021 spring collection by creative director Riccardo Tisci where several men’s shirts were featured with two large circular cutouts on their chest, making it the focus of many discussions online. 

根據外媒報導,Riccardo Tisci這一季的設計概念在於打造出不平凡的浪漫,而主題也圍繞在鯊魚和美人魚間的戀情。 

According to foreign media, Tisci’s vision for the season was centered around the romance between “mermaids and sharks.”  


Known for combining seemingly unconnected elements together, Burberry debuted its “exploration of contrasting worlds” through its graphic designs and unconventional cuts.


The T-shirt, priced at NT$21,900 proved to be very popular and has been sold out, according to Taiwan’s Burberry website. 


Social media users immediately commented online on the modern design and jokingly claim that good men don’t cover their chest, making a wordplay on a phrase in Mandarin with similar meaning for “good men don’t keep other women.”  


Some also coined it the “good men uniform,” while others questioned whether those who bought the shirt would feel “breezy” every time they go out. Source article: https://chinapost.nownews.com/20210429-2414954 ; https://chinapost.nownews.com/20210420-2380685


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