
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K332: About Thailand - 女子剪斷油漆工支撐繩索與飄飄然比薩 Woman cut rope holding painters 26 floors high


每日英語跟讀 Ep.K332: About Thailand - Woman cut rope holding painters 26 floors high

A resident of a high-rise condominium in Thailand cut the support rope for two painters, apparently angry she wasn’t told they would be doing work, and left them hanging above the 26th floor.


The woman is facing attempted murder and property destruction charges, and could face a prison term up to 20 years.


One of the painters, a Myanmar national named Song, told the Thai media that he and his friends had lowered themselves from the 32nd floor to repair a crack on the building.


When he reached the 30th floor, he felt that the rope was heavier and when he looked down, he saw someone on the 21st floor open a window and cut his rope. He tried asking for help from other units, but nobody was in. The third colleague continued to support them from the top floor until a couple rescued them.


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Thai chain’s cannabis pizza: trendy but won’t get you high 泰國連鎖餐廳的大麻披薩:夠時髦卻不會讓人飄飄然

One of Thailand’s major fast food chains The Pizza Company has introduced "Crazy Happy Pizza", an under-the-radar product topped with a cannabis leaf. It’s legal but won’t get you high.


"It’s just a marketing campaign. And you can taste the cannabis and then if you have enough, you may get a bit sleepy," said the general manager.


The Crazy Happy Pizza is a mashup of toppings evoking the flavors of Thailand’s famous Tom Yum Gai soup along with a deep-fried cannabis leaf on top. Cannabis is also infused into the cheese crust and there’s chopped cannabis in the dipping sauce. A 9-inch pie costs only 499 baht.


Thailand became the first country in Southeast Asia to remove specific parts and extracts of cannabis from its controlled narcotics list in December 2020, and later allowed them to be used in foods and beverages.

泰國在2020年12月成為首個將大麻特定部位和萃取物移出致幻毒品的東南亞國家,之後更允許在菜品或飲料中使用大麻。Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1499658 ; https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1503512