Google Maps now shows street level air pollution levels

Google 地圖推出街道空氣品質指數


Google Maps provides navigation services and real-time traffic information, and also allows users to search for restaurants and stores. Now a new function of Google Maps will enable users to view information on street level air quality, too.

Google 地圖不只能導航、查詢交通路況、還可用來搜尋餐廳或商店,現在更新增顯示街道空氣品質的功能。

At the beginning of this month, Google posted an air quality map on its official blog, showing air pollution levels for Oakland in California. On the map, pollution levels are color coded, with darker colors indicating higher air pollution levels.


The project to integrate Google Maps and air quality data has been jointly carried out by Google, the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and Aclima since 2015 in a number of cities. Google Street View cars were equipped with Aclima’s sensing devices to monitor the levels of nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and black carbon in the air.


For the moment, the project will focus on cities in the US. In addition to the city of Oakland, Google is also collecting air quality data in California’s Los Angeles and Central Valley, although it has not yet released air quality maps for any places other than these.


Source article: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2017/06/25/2003673218