
Hsinchu’s Beipu Cold Springs


The Beipu Cold Springs are quite unusual in that they have a mixture of carbonic acid and sulfur. The sulfur gives the water a slightly saline taste, and makes it a light rusty yellow. The sulfur also forms precipitates under the sun, making the water appear rather muddy. In the summer, the temperature of the water is around 15 degrees Celsius, perfect for playing in the water and cooling down.


The spring bubbles out from the bed of Taping Creek. Although the water is quite cool, and you might feel cold when you first get in, you will start to get a feeling of warmth after you have been in there for some time, because of the minerals in the water. When you get out, your skin might feel a bit oily.


In the background there is a waterfall. Listening to the cascading water and feeling the cool water vapor on your face can be incredibly relaxing. The braver among you can go under the waterfall for some negative ion therapy, and give yourself a natural spa.


Source article: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/print/2017/03/07/2003666248