Welcome to 15minutes.today the home of English Shadowing. I'm your host Gavin and this is InTense, Episode 1.
In this episode I will be talking about what InTense hopes to be, and why we decided to launch it. First off, InTense will be a grammar program, now that does not sound very exciting, but it will improve your English and of course it will use English Shadowing.
Now how will it work? To have some structure, I have decided on taking tenses and taking one tense at a time and exploring it. Now how will it work? Very simple, I will ask a question, I will leave a moment for you, as the audience to answer the question out loud or in your head, if you are in a crowded place, and then I will give you the answer.
Now the idea behind this is that if you keep repeating, your English will improve naturally and that is the key ‘’naturally,’’ because at the end of the day, this is how we as people learn a language ‘’naturally.’’ As children we never learn the rules of grammar. When we are young we just Shadow our parents and this is the idea behind this. I will ask questions, you just answer the question.
Now of course if you answer the question incorrectly, as in you make a mistake, I will need you to listen to my answer and then repeat it. Go back to question and do it again, and with this repetition, you will improve.
Now of course at the end of the day it takes discipline and that is what makes this method quite tiresome for students and for teachers, because you have to constantly ask questions and check the answers, and re-ask until the answer is correct. And as a student you have to listen to the question for the grammar. It is also important in this as Chinese native speakers that you listen for the name, so if somebody asks you, “Is Peter happy?” You have to change, ”Peter” to a ”he or she.” Now why I ask that usually in particularly of students who are Chinese native speakers, is because they don't have the “he/she/it.” So many of my students struggle with that, so it is a point that I say to them, look, if I ask you “Is Peter happy?” your answer would be, “Yes or No he is happy.”
追根究底,這個方式很講究自律,對於老師跟學生都是會容易疲乏的方法。通常遇到錯誤時,不停的重複,直到能夠講出正確的句子是我們的最終目標。 很多華語學生對 Is Peter happy? 這個句子回答 he/she會出錯,因為在中文裡,並沒有她他發音的不同。所以這些常錯的句型或回答我都會重複的問我學生直到他們可以回應正確的答案。
The other thing I would like to stress is, please do not use contractions, and what those are, is where we say “isn't.” I don't like that because we are doing a grammar practice. If you think about the sentence, “He's happy.” Now “he is” is also “he’s” and “he has” is also, ‘’he’s.’’ So I would in particular like you to answer, “He is happy.” not ”He's happy.”
至於縮寫,我想強調在此練習中,盡量不要用。因為我們在練習完整的文法,所以句型都避免以縮寫去回答,例如 He is happy, 不是 He's happy.
So those are the key features of the system and I will do about five questions per episode and the idea is that I will do a “yes” question and a ‘’no” question for each question so as an example, “Is Peter happy?”…………There is your pause for you to answer, and I will then answer, ”Yes, he is happy.” Now the next one will be, “Is Peter happy?” and this we will do the ‘’no’’ question. And that would be, “No Peter…” sorry, “No, he is not happy.” You see is quite natural for me to want to put his name back in but as a learner I suggest you keep trying to change ‘’Peter’’ to ‘’he,’’ “Mary” to ‘’she,’’ the ‘’dog’’ to ‘’it’’ and again ‘’they’’ and things like that, but that you will see as we carry on with this concept or idea.
每個節目裡,我會有大約五個例句,每個例句都會有回答 Yes 或 No的句子。當我停下的時候就是大家開口講一次的時機。
Now I look forward to this, it's not going to be, as I said much fun, but the key for this whole system is that it does work. And I know it works because I've used it. Do I enjoy teaching this way? Not particularly, as I said it is very taxing. You got to keep asking questions and trust me when you do an hour and a half or two hours of questions you are tired and not just the fact that you would be tired, your student is also very tired.
So anyway that's an introduction of what I'm planning for InTense. I hope you stick with it, and again you know it'll be a whole bunch of short little practices and over time if you repeat them your English should get better. Now one thing, please, don't forget, you have to follow the grammar of the question. There's no ‘’yes’’ or ‘’no’,’’ it is, ‘’Yes, blah blah blah.’’ So if you hear an ‘’ing’’ give me back a ‘’ing.’’ Great, and that is in summary of what we are planning for InTense. Well that was episode 1, have a great day guys and look after yourselves and catch you on episode 2.
好了希望在新節目裡頭與大家見面,請大家要挺住,反覆的練習,將英語底子打好。請大家要記得,不要單純的回答 yes /no ,要完整的句子念出來。如果我的問句裡頭有ing 那你也要用ing回覆我。 下一集開始我們就啟動文法練習嚕。