International Youth Ambassadors, your country needs you

國際青年大使 徵的就是你


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to select 75 International Youth Ambassadors, and has arranged for them to visit the major Southeast Asian countries involved in the government’s “new southbound policy” as part of a 10-day itinerary of exchanges in late August. Registration for the program started on April 9 and ends on May 15. Republic of China nationals of under 35 years of age currently studying in college, university or graduate schools are eligible to register.


The tours will cover four main themes, including exchange and study, volunteering, courtesy visits and cultural diplomacy. This year there will be small artistic and cultural performances to replace the larger scale stage shows of previous years, to express Taiwan’s cultural diversity. The children of new immigrants, adept in Thai, Indonesian and Malay are particularly encouraged to register, to strengthen bilateral exchanges between Taiwan and Southeast Asian countries.


Source article: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2017/04/20/2003669033