Siaoliouciou circulates beach money

小琉球首創「海灘貨幣」 垃圾也能變現金


This summer, “beach money” will be released on Siaoliouciou (Little Liuqiu) for the first time.


This month, the Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area Administration (DBNSA) and Hiin Studio will jointly organize five beach cleanup relays for protecting turtles. In the events, every two kilograms of garbage the participants clean away can be exchanged for the beach money to be used at local businesses for actual discounts. A total of 74 local businesses have already said they will participate in the project.


Lin Peiyu of Hiin Studio is one of the event’s initiators. Lin says it is hoped the “beach money,” which was invented by a Japanese surfer and environmental activist, will raise awareness of the aggravating problem of floating marine debris. The beach money coins are made of waste glass with its sharp edges dulled, and adorned with beautiful turtle patterns.

海湧工作室林佩瑜是本活動發起人之一,她表示「Beach Money」海灘貨幣最早是由日本環保衝浪客所發起,希望藉此讓遊客注意到海漂垃圾日益嚴重的問題。海灘貨幣是由磨鈍的海漂玻璃製成,繪有精美的海龜圖騰。

There will be five separate beach cleanups, to be held on July 22, 23, 26, 29 and 30. Those who wish to participate can meet at the Little Liuqiu Visitor Center at 1pm on the day of the event, and there will be a fascinating presentation on green sea turtles before departing for the cleanup itself.


To reduce water and garbage waste, DBNSA urges that holiday visitors to Siaoliouciou reduce the use of sunscreen, and B&Bs refrain from changing sheets for visitors staying for multiple days.


Source article:http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2017/07/12/2003674354