
Snow on main peak as cold stream hits

寒流來襲 雪山主峰山區飄白雪


Recently, Taiwan was hit by a strong continental cold air mass, sending temperatures down. On the evening of Feb. 8, snow fall was observed in the region around Snow Mountain’s main peak, at an elevation of 3,886 meters above sea level. Snowing stopped the following day, when the daytime temperature rose and the humidity dropped, leaving a snow cover of around three to five centimeters of snow.

最近全台各地受強烈大陸冷氣團影響,氣溫持續下探,海拔三千八百八十六公尺的雪山主峰,山區於八日晚間飄下靄靄白雪,隨著白天天氣回溫並轉為乾冷,下雪情形已經停止 ,山區約有三至五公分的積雪。

With this cold snap hitting Taiwan, the Snow Mountain area, home to the second highest peak on the island, had snowfall above 369 Hut. The local daytime temperature in the area was between approximately two to three degrees Celsius, with nighttime temps falling to around six below zero. Due to the relatively dry climate, however, the snowfall did not resume.


Settled snow freezing in mountainous areas can leave trails slippery. Taiwanese, who are generally not too familiar with snowy conditions, are advised not to climb on days when snowfall is expected. Poor visibility due to fog and snowfall, and poor walking conditions along slippery trails, mean that, depending on conditions, it is often best to amend travel plans when snow is expected.


Source article: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/print/2017/02/26/2003665694