Taiwan has 26 universities in Asia-Pacific university rankings

亞太最佳大學排名 台灣二十六校上榜


On July 4 the UK’s Times Higher Education (THE) magazine published the Asia Pacific University Rankings 2017. Twenty-six Taiwanese universities made the rankings, with National Taiwan University ranking highest, at 33.


Since the region is increasingly demonstrating outstanding performance in higher education, the THE for the first time published rankings specifically for the Asia-Pacific region. It analysed the performance of universities in 38 countries, with more than 200 institutions from 13 countries making the final list. Of these, Japan had the highest number, with 69, followed by China, with 52, and then Australia, 35, Taiwan, 26, and South Korea, 25.


Phil Baty, who was in charge of the survey, said Taiwan excelled in knowledge transfer, but was weak in international outlook.

負責這項調查的主編巴提表示,台灣在「知識轉移」上表現優異 ,最弱勢的指標則是「國際觀」。

Baty said that, if Taiwan can be more outwardly focused, attract more international students and teaching staff and expand cooperation with overseas scholars, this would help it move up in the rankings.


Source article: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2017/07/13/2003674420