The ideal bachelor — “Both his parents must be dead”

單身女最新擇偶條件 父母雙亡勝過有錢有房


Many single women in search of a future spouse come up with a series of preconditions such as a high salary, the ability to fix electronic appliances or perhaps the need for someone with a kind and gentle personality. However, one netizen posted on the online bulletin board PTT that a friend who recently went to pray to the “Moon Elder” matchmaking god had one interesting prerequisite for a future partner: “Both his mother and father must be dead,” explaining it will save a lot of unnecessary hassle.


The post instantly sparked a heated debate on PTT. One netizen, who approved of the idea, said: “When I see how my grandmother treats my mother, it makes me think it would be better not to marry at all.” A second approving post read, “Sometimes parents will interfere too much, it’s so annoying,” while another person wrote: “These days many parents will even try to control their child’s spouse” and went on to say it would be better if every spouse had no parents, since the current generation isn’t willing to put up with these kinds of irritations.


On the opposing side of the argument, one poster said: “Sometimes your new family will actually help you out a lot,” while another wrote “Car — check, house — check, both parents dead —check!” Another netizen wrote: “It would be very sad for the man if both his parents were dead: it isn’t right for a woman to use this as a precondition of marriage just so she’s not affected personally.”


The debate later moved on from discussing the relationship between a husband’s mother and her daughter-in-law to an argument over Confucian values. However, the majority of posters agreed that, although the woman’s view is a distorted reaction to Confucianist traditions, no malice was probably intended, and it is just one individual’s personal preference.


Source article: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2017/06/13/2003672433