
精選詞彙播客 Vocab Ep.066: College tests unfair to tech-poor students 遠距考試不公數位落差學子抗議



For higher education students, standardized college exams in the US have been upended during the pandemic. In-person SAT exams have been canceled and a number of selective schools have made the exams test optional, at least temporarily. A group of high school students sued the College Entrance Examination Board, claiming its advanced placement tests are unfair to teens trapped at home by the coronavirus pandemic without adequate computers or Internet connections. Students take the AP exams often with the hopes of earning college credit. As many as 20 percent of students were unable to submit their responses through the testing platform in the first three days of the exam.

Vocabulary and Sample Sentences:

Discriminate v. discrimination – make an unjust distinction in the treatment of different categories of people to things

  •  It would be considered discrimination if the online tests do not allow students with low internet bandwidth to participate.
  •  The AP test discriminated against students who were in remote areas and lack in resources.

Unrealistic adj. – not realistic

  • It is unrealistic to think all students have good internet connectivity
  • One cannot have unrealistic expectations about Advanced Placement Tests.

Upend v. – set or turned upside down

  • College exams are upended by the pandemic
  • Kelly upended her lego box, trying to find that one lego figure.