
精選詞彙播客 Vocab Ep.075: Savings no more in Japan 日本不愛存錢了



This article discusses the negative saving rate in Japan and how a lack of increases has led to this shift. People are not able to save and live from hand to mouth monthly. This is a huge shift in the culture and poses a huge problem for the government. They need spending, but also saving for when people retire.

Vocabulary and Sample Sentences

Budge v.: to move slightly, change an opinion

  1. Did the stock price budge after the scandal?
  2. Did his opinion of the movie budge after he read its review? 

Hoard v.: to collect and keep large amounts of something

  1. Did she hoard lots of toilet paper?
  2. Would you like to hoard some cash? 

Void n.: large empty space

  1. Do children fill a void in people’s lives?
  2. Is there a void of savings in Japan at present? 