
15Mins Live Podcast - 讓兒時夢想成真 Make your childhood dream come true

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主題: 讓兒時夢想成真 Make your childhood dream come true


Draw - 畫

Doodle - 塗鴉/亂畫

Sketch - 素描/速寫


Illustration - 插畫

Comic strip - 四格漫畫

Manga - 漫畫

Graphic novel - 圖像小說


  1. Kamehameha (Dragon Ball)

  2. High school student kills criminals by writing names into a notebook (Death Note)

  3. Young ninjas go on an adventure to become the greatest ninja of all time (Naruto)

  4. A young captain with the power to stretch like rubber on a journey to become the greatest pirate in history (One Piece)


犬夜叉 - Inuyasha

單車宅男 - Yowamushi Pedal

鋼之鍊金術師 - Fullmetal Alchemist

美少女戰士 - Sailor Moon

broken image

【 圖像到故事|掌握創作力的關鍵課程 】 期待你的意見 ▶️ https://hankmax.co/15minsZhiZhi

超精實 3 大系列主題課程:圖像繪畫 × 故事心法 × 直播示範
從基礎練習到視覺溝通、劇本架構,帶你從 0 到 1,開啟全方位的圖像故事創作之路!

不論是喜歡漫畫的朋友、想經營圖文社群的專業工作者,這組豐富好入門的課程,推薦給喜歡畫畫的你 : )