Taipei 101 Run Up: NT$200,000 for breaking 2005 record

台北101登高賽 破紀錄可拿二十萬元


The Taipei 101 Run Up is entering its 13th year, and contestants were able to register from midday on March 31, with places for 3,000 individual participants and 30 company teams, 20 people to each team. The event is slated for May 7, and entails climbing 91 floors, 390 meters in all, and 2,046 steps. This year almost NT$1 million in prize money will be on offer in total.


Many international runners are preparing to take part in this year’s challenge. As the record for men’s and women’s best times were set in the first year, with Paul Crake finishing in 10 minutes, 29 seconds and Andrea Mayr reaching the finish line in 12 minutes, 38 seconds, Taipei 101 will be increasing the award money to NT$200,000 this year for breaking the record, to encourage more competitors to join the fray.


The men’s record holder Crake now relies on a wheelchair to get around, after being involved in a car accident, and sells assistive devices helping disabled people drive. He will be present on the day of the competition to award the prizes.


Source article:http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2017/04/06/2003668131