
精選詞彙播客 Vocab Ep.053: Shift in mindset 改變思維永續土地開發



West Virginia in the past few years are saying no to property developers based on climate change and natural disasters. After taking the issue to court, the judge ruled that the residents have the right to stop the development. Although President Donald Trump is reversing the efforts to fight global warming, people on the ground are pressured with flooding, hurricane, wildfires and more. As the financial and emotional cost of disasters increase, people are changing their mindset about building properties.

Vocabulary and Sample Sentences

Scapegoat n.- a person/thing blamed for wrongdoing or fault

  • Property developers accuse government officials making the project a scapegoat when residents demand action against disasters.
  • It is not fair to make someone a scapegoat when the fault lies with yourself. 

Vulnerable adj – in need of support or care

  • Residents are vulnerable to floods when the land is overdeveloped.
  • You will make yourself vulnerable to disease when you don’t wear a face mask. 

Mindset n. – established attitude held by someone

  • The people’s mindset regarding building properties have shifted as the cost of disasters increased.
  • As opposed to a growth mindset, people are now holding a sustainability mindset. 