
精選詞彙播客 Vocab Ep.063: Junk Food messing with your brain and squatting is good for you 垃圾食物與蹲姿

· 15Mins英語咖啡館


The first article discusses how junk food messes with our brain chemistry, making us stupid and not feeling full. Thus triggering a desire for more junk food.

The second article found that if you need to sit all day, kneeling or squatting is much healthier for people, than sitting on a chair.

Vocabulary and Sample Sentences:

Undermine v.: make something weaker or less effective

  1. Did the mistake undermine her confidence?
  2. Would you fire someone who undermines your authority?

Amiss adj + adv.: not as it should be

  1. Is there something amiss with your sleep patterns?
  2. Is there something amiss with the climate? 

Sedentary adj.: a lot of time sitting

  1. Are you sedentary on the weekends?
  2. Is a standing desk a great alternative to a sedentary lifestyle at work? 