
精選詞彙播客 Vocab Ep.068: Korean bananas and dolls 韓國香蕉與足球娃娃

· 15Mins英語咖啡館


Climate change is benefitting South Korean farmers, as increased temperatures enables them to farm bananas, causing a boom in it. The second article discusses how a Soccer club got fined for using sex dolls to fill empty seats in their stadium due to coronavirus.

Vocabulary and Sample Sentences:

Agriculture n.: science or practice of farming

  1. Is agriculture the most important industry in the world?
  2. Does Taiwan excel at fruit agriculture? 

Controversy n.: public discussion about something negative

  1. Did the recall of the mayor of Kaoshong spark controversy?
  2. Is controversy good for a brand? 

Salacious adj.: too much sexual detail

  1. Was Playboy a salacious magazine?
  2. Did the scandal contain lots of salacious details? 