
精選詞彙播客 Vocab Ep.084: Pets boost your immunity 寵物幫助你免疫力



Pets are an inseparable part of our world and our families. Pet companionship can help improve psychological wellbeing, and according to studies, pets can also help with human immunity. Study from Mount Sinai Hospital analyzed data from over 3 million people, found a 24 percent reduction in risk of death within 10 years for dog owners. Benefits of owning a pet include: Dogs produce more immunoglobulin when stroked. An antibody in their saliva, which fights antigens. Next, pets can also help people respond better to stress, and this in turn boosts the immune system. Last, microbes on pets have strong connection to the microbes in people’s bodies. Some researches have shown that pet microbes can directly influence the health and immunity of people.

Vocabulary and Sample Sentences:

Companionship n. a feeling of fellowship or friendship

  • Pet companionship can improve psychological wellbeing of people.
  • Companionship can be found through making new friends or dating.

Wellbeing n. state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy

  • Mental and physical wellbeing are two major topics under wellness these days.
  • One can maintain overall wellbeing by actively participating in society.

Immunity n. ability to resist a particular toxin or infection.

  • Many people take vitamins to boost immunity.
  • Immunity can be improved through exercising and eating healthy.