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每週收聽 John 與Gavin 閒聊討論世界時事趣聞
October 30, 20241. Netflix / Amazon Prime 網飛與雅馬遜串流服務 2. feeble adj. - 不驚艷 3. skeptical adj. -帶有疑慮 4. 7-day trial - 七天鑑賞 5. content n . - 內容 6. Chinese subtitles - 中文字幕 7. prime channel - 主要的頻道 8. The Grand Tour: 9. sth is/isn't worth it - sth值得/不值得 10. stream v. - 串流 11. device n. - 裝...October 30, 2024台北嘿掰講Episode 15 - Luxury toilet paper a hit in Taiwan 每週更新的播客,來聽聽Gavin跟John這禮拜討論台灣高級衛生紙 #Taipeibanter#台北嘿掰講 In Taiwan, which variety of toilet paper currently sells the best? The answer may not be the one you were expecting. Household sanitary paper manufacturers have this year...October 23, 20241. Binge shopping - 瘋狂購物 2. Availability / Unavailability - 可取得性/非可取得性 3. Shipping - 運送 4. being big on sth - 非常喜好 sth 5. Pay upfront - 先付錢 6. Pay on delivery - 貨到付款 7. Buyer rating - 買家評定 8. International couriers - 國際貨運公司 9. Convenience stores - 便利商店 10....訂閱新節目上架通知 Subscribe Now!
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